Grieving not being able to breastfeed your baby

Is the word 'grief' appropriate when talking about the feelings surrounding not being able to breastfeed your baby? For some women, grief is absolutely what they are experiencing. However, you might not feel like you are allowed to grieve this loss because the people around you are confused by the depth of your feelings around […]

Why perfectionism is anxiety’s best friend in the postnatal period

As a recovering perfectionist, I have a lot of love for my fellow perfectionist mums. I'm going to talk about how perfectionism can fuel anxiety in the postnatal period (and beyond!). Picture the scene: You are someone who has always worked really hard and got results. Something goes wrong at work? You'll put in the […]

Practising what I preach after the attack in Southport

Like a lot of people who live near Southport (and beyond), I was knocked for six after the attack there at the end of July. How could this happen in our community? What sort of world do we live in if this can happen to children at a holiday camp? I have taught postnatal preparation […]

Is it baby blues or is it postnatal depression?

Around 80% of new mums and birthing people experience the baby blues and around 10% experience postnatal depression but what’s the difference? Baby blues probably happens because of the massive hormonal changes after birth (we're not 100% sure what causes it!). It tends to hit on day three after the birth and usually lasts a […]

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