Is it baby blues or is it postnatal depression?

Around 80% of new mums and birthing people experience the baby blues and around 10% experience postnatal depression but what’s the difference?

Baby blues probably happens because of the massive hormonal changes after birth (we're not 100% sure what causes it!). It tends to hit on day three after the birth and usually lasts a couple of weeks at most. The baby blues can really take us by surprise as we often imagine that the early days with our new baby will be a really joyful time.

Symptoms of baby blues might include:

  • crying out of the blue or crying at little things that wouldn't normally bother you
  • your emotions are all over the place; up one minute and down the next
  • little things annoy you
  • feeling a bit low
  • difficulty sleeping/ switching off

Postnatal depression, however, can start any time within the first year after having a baby. It often goes hand-in-hand with postnatal anxiety and is less likely to just go away by itself than the baby blues. 

Symptoms of postnatal depression can include:

  • Feeling sad/ low/ tearful most of the time
  • Feeling irritable/ angry
  • Negative thoughts about yourself e.g. I'm a bad mum
  • Losing your appetite or comfort eating
  • Avoiding others/ withdrawing into yourself
  • Losing interest in things you previously enjoyed

If you thought, “Oh Lord, that’s me!” while reading that, it could be that you need a helping hand at the moment. As I said earlier, having some mental health challenges after you have had a baby is really common and getting help earlier rather than later can make all the difference.

So where do I go?

Step one might be talking to your GP or health visitor as they can refer you for free support on the NHS (although you might have to wait a while). The charity PANDAS is also amazing and offers free support such as a closed Facebook group for peer support. 

If you would rather not wait, private counselling can be a game changer. Make sure you look for someone who is qualified and registered with an ethical body (e.g. BACP or NCS). I have appointments available from October 2024 so do get in touch if you'd like to go on the waiting list:

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